Friday, August 28, 2009

FoI survey and more...

FoI survey
What do the Government’s reforms to the Freedom of Information mean for journalism in Australia? Your views are sought for research into journalists’ experiences with Australia’s FoI law and the proposed changes. Learn more at, or email

The debate continues
Follow the latest thinking on the future of journalism at Read Jonathan Este on whether multi-tasking leads to mediocrity and, at the Reading List, pick up on what’s being written about our industry around the world – if it’s timely, controversial and authoritative, it’ll be at

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hyperlocal in the headlines and more...

Hyperlocal in the headlines
“We’ve heard a million times that the future is hyperlocal, but EveryBlock, the US-based data mining project led by former Washington Post journalist Adrian Holovaty, is probably the epitome of how hyperlocal journalism can provide a really valuable service to its audiences.” writes Jonathan Este at the Alliance’s Future of Journalism site. Read more

Will they pay?
Paid content is all the rage with US publishers - but where's the proof that anyone will pay? asks the MediaGuardian’s Roy Greenslade. Read full story here

Afghan election censorship
Ahead of yesterday’s election in Afghanistan the Government ordered journalists not to broadcast information about attacks or violence, fearing it would scare voters away. Afghan journalists rejected the ban, saying it violated their constitutional right to report the news. See

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

APHEDA fundraising movie night: Balibo

"Kids Doing Time" Documentary on ABC1 tonight

How state government's "getting tough on crime" policy is condemning hundreds of young people to life in jail.

"Kids Doing Time" goes to air on 24 August at 8.30pm on ABC1.

It will be repeated on 25 August at 11.35pm.

For more information, follow this link:


Siyavash Doostkhah
Director, Youth Affairs Network of Queensland

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ethics and Walkleys and Money, oh my!

Fin Review ethics policy: don’t sign
Along with a raft of restrictive and unnecessary provisions, the Australian Financial Review’s new ethics policy asks staff to agree that they “will be subject to disciplinary action (up to and including summary dismissal) should they be found to be in breach of company policy”. What do you think? It is a reasonable? Management has asked Alliance representatives to provide an alternative draft. If you have any suggestions please talk to your house committee delegates or Alliance organiser Claire O’Rourke or 02 9333 0935.

Walkleys count down
There is now less than three weeks to get your entries in for the 2009 Walkley Awards. This year you can enter online – that’s the easy part, but don’t forget to give yourself enough time to make four copies of your work, provide it electronically and post it. Don’t delay, we want to see your best work today: Entries close Sept 1. To enter Visit

Cash for clicks
Rupert Murdoch is set to charge online readers for news content - but how do you make people part with their money? asks The Guardian’s Kevin Anderson. Read full story here

TV host “ordered killings”
Police have accused a Brazilian politician who fronts a popular television crime show of arranging crimes in Brazil and then broadcasting the footage in a bid to boost his ratings. Read full story here

Check out the MEAA's no journos = no news campaign website here. Thoughts? Contributions? Peruse the link to find out more!

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Sports reporters required for World Masters Games

Infostrada Sports has been contracted by the organisers of the World Masters Games to help with the planning of the Event News Service, and then with the delivery of a staffing solution, training, and operations of the Event News Service during the World Masters Games in Sydney.

Infostrada Sports has developed an expertise in this area. We by no means claim to be the only ones who can do this, but we have worked hard over the last ten years, developing policies and procedures, methods of operating, and training and developing staff in the process. We believe we can add significantly to an organising committee, because we deliver a fully tested and sound operation.

We are responsible for the collection, production and distribution of a wide range of news and information for the accredited media.

We help events and organising committees by feeding information to the media, helping to fill in the gaps from events, sessions and matches where the media may not be able to attend.

At the World Masters Games, the Event News Service will provide diverse reports including previews, reviews, flash quotes, press conference highlights and collated summaries from competition venues to keep the media informed about the progress of the Games.

We will require reporters to attend various sessions of events, write reports, do interviews and provide summaries, and send these to our central sub editing desk for processing.

Event News Service reporters will get to sharpen their basic reporting skills, learn to write breaking news, practice finding story angles under deadline pressure and get hands-on experience at interviewing athletes.

We are looking for interns who will receive training, and then Games-time will receive daily briefings and full support as they gather news items. Training will take the shape of on-line and face-to-face training and will be mandatory for all potential candidates.

For the Games-time roles, all interns will need to have their own laptop and Infostrada Sports will provide expenses for those who can use their own car. All communication costs and meals will be provided. But no travel to Sydney, or accommodation costs can be met, due to the tight budgetary constraints of the project.

Infostrada Sports’ event news service operation will cover all sports, but there is no expectation to have a report from every event. Our reporting teams will be based around a number of ‘hubs’, including the Sydney Olympic Park precinct, the Penrith sports venues; and other venues spread around Sydney.

Reporters will be led by a Chief of Staff, Sub Editors and a team of senior reporters, as well as the Infostrada Sports staff.

It will be an exciting and challenging opportunity for journalists-in-training to test their skills and deliver quality output under pressure.

Reporters will need to be available for the first briefing with the organisers of the World Masters Games scheduled for Wednesday 7 October 2009 at Sydney Olympic Park at 9am till 19 October (the day after the Closing Ceremony).

If you are interested in the Reporter role, please send contact:

Hairul Sukaime
Internship Coordinator
Infostrada Sports

For more information go to

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ozone2Climate Times

We are pleased to inform you that United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics OzonAction has launched a media corner called "Ozone2Climate Times" to build the capacity of journalists to cover issues such as ozone layer protection and its links with climate change.

We have also announced a competition for the young journalists in this media corner.

For more information, please visit:

Best regards

Rajendra Shende
Head OzonAction United Nations Environment Programme
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
15 Rue de Milan, 75441 Paris CEDEX 09 , France
Tel: 33-1-44371459, Fax: 33-1-44371474

JACS Newsletter

Friday, August 7, 2009

Quality journalism must be paid for and more...

Quality journalism must be paid for
Rupert Murdoch has again signaled News Corporation’s intent to charge for online content. “Quality journalism is not cheap, and an industry that gives away its content is simply cannibalising its ability to produce good reporting,” a statement also at odds with the wave of journalist redundancies at News Limited (see He says News Corp is well placed to recover from a $241 million quarterly loss. See

Terror threat journos arrested
Two journalists have been charged after gaining entry to Holsworthy barracks in Sydney. A reporter and photographer were detained after gaining access to the base, highlighting security concerns the day after news broke of a terror threat to the barracks. It has been reported that the base's private security guards let the journalists drive in. They are due to appear in Liverpool Local Court on September 25. Read more

Korea frees US journalists
US TV journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee were freed from a North Korean labour camp this week as a result of “humanitarian mission” by former US president Bill Clinton. The journalists from the San Francisco media outlet co-founded by Al Gore, Clinton's vice president, were sentenced in June to a 12 years hard labour after being convicted of illegally entering the country. Read more

Press Council downsizes
The Australian Press Council will reduce its size, from 22 to 15 members in response to the current economic downturn. “The publishers who fund the Council sought budget cuts similar to those applied to their own budgets.” the Council explained in a statement. The Alliance will remain one of the Council’s industry representatives. See

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Linkz Odessy Indigenous Volunteer Opportunity

We are currently recruiting for volunteers to take part in the Linkz Odyssey Program. This is a great opportunity for volunteers to build their personal and professional skills while also gaining first-hand knowledge of Indigenous Australian culture!

While the program is open to people of all ages and skill levels it has been designed with University students in mind and would suit someone with an interest in Indigenous culture and affairs.

It requires a commitment of 3-4 hours a week, and a 6 week placement in the Northern Territory over December and January.

During this placement volunteers will have the opportunity to work as part of a team to deliver sport and recreation activities in a remote Indigenous community.

For further details please download the application pack at

Applications close 5pm 31st July.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Call for interns: Event Management and Journalism

The Walkley Foundation administers the Walkley Awards, Australia’s most prestigious accolades for journalism The Foundation also organises professional development programs for journalists and other media professionals.

We are calling for Event Management, Publicity and Journalism students to work as interns on publicity and event management for a variety of projects such as the Walkley Awards, Press Freedom Media Dinner and a number of conferences that we organise for journalists around the country.

Event students will assist with the co-ordination of a variety of events, from the Walkley Gala Awards Dinner for 1,000 journalists, fundraising for our Media Press Freedom Dinner, and a range of conferences and events for journalists and communications specialists.

Journalism students will assist with Walkley entries, award and judging processes, event publicity, and assist with the production process of The Walkley Magazine: Inside the Australian Media.

We’re after motivated, intelligent, creative and articulate journalism, communications or event management students, preferably in their final year of study. If you are confident with an energetic attitude and can bring a variety of skills to your internship, we want you!

We have openings in August, September, October and November. The internship is three weeks fulltime. Email with:
- Your current CV
- Your dates of availability for the internship
- A 100-word statement about why you would like to work at the Walkleys.

Please note: This is the final week for students to enter the MEDIA Super Student Journalism Awards. Deadline: Friday, August 7 at 5pm.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Write Stuff: Public Programs at QUT

The Write Stuff

WHERE: The Glasshouse
WHEN: Monday 3 August
TICKETS: Free, all welcome
CONTACT: 07 3138 5495

A series of free talks with practical tips and industry advice for budding writers. Download the Write It flyer (pdf, 88kb).

QUT's Craig Bolland discusses the ins and outs of the university's acclaimed creative writing course. This session is a must-do for prospective creative writing students.

Craig, a lecturer in creative writing with the Creative Industries Faculty, is also a novelist, playwright, filmmaker and literary critic and is a multi-award and grant recipient in these fields. He also has extensive experience in corporate communications and writing for new media.

Time: 5pm to 6pm

Related events
The Lifted Brow and Independent Press
Pathways to a Career in Editing and Publishing
Digital Publishing and Writing for New Media

Careers and Graduate Employment Opportunities...

University of Queensland Careers and Graduate Employment have been busy organising some cracking careers events for you in August.

First up there is the UQ Volunteer Expo, a chance for you to build your skills and meet over 40 organisations recruiting volunteers on the one day. Secondly, the Careers Breakfast is a chance to step out of 'the box' and work on some creative, enterprising ideas to develop a career in the direction you want to go!

UQ Volunteer Expo - Wednesday 5th August
Careers and Graduate Employment will be raising students awareness of volunteering through the first ever Volunteer Expo. Over 40 stalls will be represented on the day from opportunities at Festivals and Expos through to Children's Hospital Programs and Charity Fundraisers. Why Volunteer? Time and time again we hear that employers value volunteering on your resume. It demonstrates a 'well-rounded individual', initiative and social responsibility that is relevant in every discipline from Finance to Foreign Affairs.

Specifically volunteering can:
Improve student employment prospects
Provide exposure to a professional work-place before graduation
Develop students soft skills including and networking abilities
Some placements help to apply students degree-related theoretical knowledge practically
Develop life-long volunteers

When: 5th August
Where: Holt Room, Union Complex
Time: 10:00 - 2:00

The Volunteer Expo will be an opportunity for students to be exposed to the variety of placements available and hear direct from organisations what is involved.

'Enterprise and the Young Entrepreneur' Careers Breakfast - Friday 14th August
Served up with your light breakfast will be a veritable feast of industry experience to turn your ‘idea’ into action. So what’s stopping you turn your idea into action? Time; procrastination, research? Do you even know where to start? The Careers Breakfast can provide you with three sound reasons to attend and take the first positive steps in the right direction.

1. Get an insight into Alissa Phillips, ex-UQ student, named one of the Top 10 Emerging Australia leaders in the Australian newspaper will provide you with inspiration and an idea of how to translate thoughts into tangible actions. Since leaving UQ, Alissa has sent up her own charity S.P.A.C.E, a non-profit organisation that brings young people together to provide a fun an interactive service for those young people in the community with a disability. Find out how Alissa has translated her skills and interests into action.

2. You might be more interested in starting up your own business and hearing from the experienced business trainer and mentor Michael Rodgers-Bell who has cultivated over 150 business start-ups. Find out how you can develop your new idea being aware of the pitfalls.

3. Or you may be more interested in the commercialisation of something you have been working on. You might be a science student and researching Alzheimer’s, a psychology student developing a commercial training package for new mums or a communications student looking to develop an online fashion magazine. Dr Paul Sernia has a wealth of knowledge in business development and commercialisation.

So with these three reasons, the question you really need to ask yourself is: “Can I afford not go to the UQ Careers Breakfast?" Its time to create your own opportunity and make your dream a reality!

Current Students, Staff and Alumni welcome!

$12 UQ Students and $16 UQ Alumni
Light breakfast included
Innes room, Level 4 Union Complex, Building 21 St Lucia Campus
To register visit for a chance to win a professional pack valued at over $200!

For more information about either program email

The future of mags and more...

Campaign highlights redundancies
While News Limited lays down a public marker pledging quality, it is busy behind the scenes retrenching the very people who would have underwritten that quality: its loyal and long-serving journalists, photographers and artists.
To join our ‘No Journos. No News’ campaign visit

The future of mags
To survive the recession magazines need to get off their “addiction to ad pages” and find new revenue streams, such as events and paid apps, US ad executives tell Advertising Age this week. They also warn that ad pages won’t ever fully return to 2007 levels.
Student journo prize
Students have one week to enter the Media Super Student Journalism Awards.
Entries are accepted in the categories of print, radio, online and television and the prize could be a great boost to your CV.
Visit or email for more information.

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.