Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Netball Queensland seeking volunteer reporters

Netball Queensland is looking for students studying Communications, Journalism or Public Relations to become a volunteer reporter during the Queensland State League Competition in 2009.

You will be assigned to one of the 8 teams competing in the 2009 Holden Cruze State League Netball Competition beginning May 16 and will be expected to go to your team’s home games and report on the match.

You will then write a media release which will be distributed to local media following the match.

Successful applicants will be given a detailed plan of what they are expected to do for every report.

This role would be a great opportunity to learn more about the practical side of the communications industry and would give you valuable experience to take with you into the work force.

There is nothing better than hands-on experience if you are studying to become a journalist or public relations consultant.

Anybody interested can email a resume before April 25 to:
Demelza McCloud
Communications Officer
Netball Queensland
07 3848 6330 ext 13

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