Thursday, September 3, 2009

Call for a new Co-ordinator for the QLD Fair Trade Collective

The current Co-ordinator of the Queensland Fair Trade Collective, Shannon Sheedy, has just been elected as a member of the Executive Committee of FTAANZ (Fair Trade Association of Australian & New Zealand), which is fantastic, but means that we are urgently seeking a new Co-ordinator!

The new Co-ordinator will receive advice and support from Shannon and others in the Collective, so if you have an understanding of and a real passion for Fair Trade, please consider applying!
Please also pass this on if you know someone who may be interested.

The Queensland Fair Trade Collective (QFTC) is committed to raising awareness of ethical production and trade justice in Queensland, and as a not-for-profit network, it involves a diverse group of people, from students to development workers to Fair Trade business owners. All involvement in the Collective is Voluntary (apart from point6 below). Each year the group organises a range of awareness and education events (e.g. at festivals and markets), and major events during Fair Trade Fortnight in May, and before Christmas.

The role of a Co-ordinator is as follows:
A general understanding of Fair Trade required
Work with members of the QLD Fair Trade Collective to create events to promote Fair Trade to the wider community.
Work with staff at FTAANZ in achieving their goals for Fair Trade Fortnight (MAY) and for other promotional plans throughout the year.
Delegate and manage Volunteers to ensure events are successful.
Co-ordinate and attend regular QFTC meetings, which are currently held at Paddington
*Travel* Interstate travel (all expenses paid) for two meetings per year for a Co-ordinator and Assistant Co-ordinator to be briefed on the FTAANZ promotional schedule and objectives and to share ideas with other state networks.
This is predominantly a Volunteer position however a stipend will be paid by FTAANZ for co-ordination of Fair Trade Fortnight (amount not yet finalised)
Commitment until Monday 31st May 2010 (and beyond if possible) is essential!

Further information on the Queensland Fair Trade Collective is given at the end of this message.

If you are interested in this position, please contact Shannon Sheedy to discuss the role and your skills and interests.
Ph: 07 3420 6011
Mb: 0423 730 273

Applications close Wednesday 30th September. Interviews will commence the following week.

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