Friday, October 30, 2009

Multimedia cheat sheet

Balibo tops AFI Awards
A film about the deaths of six Australian journalists during and immediately after the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975 has topped this year’s AFI Award nominations with 14 nods, including one for best film. Balibo producer John Maynard told the ABC the film has had a strong political impact: "The AFP have reopened the war crimes. Certainly it will have, I think, an impact in Indonesia.” To see a full list of nominees visit:

Multimedia cheat sheet
In the converged newsroom, multimedia skills will be the key to a journalists’ career. In the first instalment of The Walkley Magazine’s new regular guide to news multimedia, Kimberly Porteous explains what’s involved and why you should bother getting up to speed. For this and much more see

Courtesy of the Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Teach for Australia - opportunities open now

Hi everyone,

Teach for Australia is offering two great opportunities for you to make a difference:

1) Teach for Australia – opportunities for all graduates, applications open in February 2010

2) TfA Campus Ambassadors – job applications due THIS FRIDAY 30 October

Teach For Australia is a ground breaking non-profit that recruits and develops outstanding graduates to challenge educational disadvantage in Australia.

We train and support graduates from all degree backgrounds to become teachers in Australia’s most disadvantaged schools, enabling the graduates to inspire and motivate students.

Please visit our website for further information -

Monday, October 26, 2009

UNYA Australia Youth Representative 2010

The Youth Representative will travel around Australia to speak with young people from all
walks of life, taking their voice to the United Nations in New York. Throughout the process,
the Youth Representative works closely with DFAT and UNYA, and has particular support
from the National Vice-President (Youth Representation).

In the position of Youth Representative, the successful candidate should display the ability to consult widely with young people and effectively discern youth opinion, as well as prioritising youth issues. The other main expectation of the Youth Representative is that the selected person will be able to represent the views of young people at the United Nations General Assembly, and execute a youth agenda within the parameters of the Australian Delegation’s set role.

Applications are open to any Australian citizen aged between 15 and 24 (birth date
must be after 14/11/1985). Applicants must be available to travel throughout Australia to
consult widely with young people from early March 2010 until August 2010 and must also
be available to travel to New York City in September 2010 for up to eight weeks.
For more details and to apply, visit

Want to Contribute?

Fancy yourself an analyst, journalist, commentator or international political pundit? Contribute
Magazine is now calling for contributors for the next issue!

The theme for the next issue is The Road Ahead…

These last six months have seen the Afghan and Japanese elections, preparations for the Copenhagen conference intensify, and plans for the recovery of the global financial system emerge. These have been the penultimate months (like the sixth Harry Potter, and the second Pirates of the Caribbean); these months are setting the global stage for the rocky, pot-hole filled, wondrous and exciting road ahead.

If you’re interested in writing for the 3rd issue, please email with your name, contact number and a 150-200 word story pitch ASAP. Happy Writing!!!

*The actual stories are to be submitted by email to on, or before, 10 January, 2010.
Please attach your story in a word document with double line spacing and 12
point, Times New Roman font.
In the email please include: your name, contact number and a 150-200 word
pitch of your story if you have not already contacted us prior to 10 January.

Call for submissions for UNYA's Perspective Youth Journal

• Are you a student aged 15 – 25 years?
• Do you have an essay/article/review that you are particularly proud of?

Perspective wants to hear from you!

Perspective is the United Nation Youth Association’s (UNYA) Journal of youth writing
on international affairs and domestic policy. The purpose of the journal is to provide an
outlet for the views of young people who have a unique perspective and an intrinsically
fresh approach to a range of global issues. It is quickly becoming the ‘place’ to be published,
and we hope it will become a leading voice for young people concerned with all things

UNYA hopes that Perspective will stimulate foreign and domestic policy discourse that
is sophisticated, challenging and inclusive. It has an international circulation through
subscription services such as Informit and will go to print.

See below links for more information:

Guide for contributors

Perspective Volume 4

Submissions close 14 December.

AIESEC UQ seminar on environmental and social sustainability

Focusing on these two areas, speakers from organisations, industry and government will present their views and solutions at the forum. The event is open to anyone who wants to find out more about such issues and, more importantly, for those who want to make a difference in the world.

Seminar followed by a networking event at 8:30pm. Refreshments & canapés provided.

Wednesday 28 October
Time: 5:30pm – 8.30pm Seminar, followed by networking event
Venue: Abel Smith Lecture Theatre Building 23, University of Queensland, St Lucia

Guest Speakers
Vice-Chancellor Paul Greenfield, UQ
Dr Doone Wyborn, Geodynamics
Dr Andrew Griffiths, UQ Ms
Angela Ballard, Oxfam Australia
Ms Beata Majewska, Carpets for Communities

Free event, RSVP required online

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brisbane book event

Launch of the astonishing autobiography:

No–one's Son
A migration story from Ethiopia to Australia

Where: BEMAC Yungaba, 120 Main Street, Kangaroo Point
When: Saturday, 24th October 2009, 6pm – 8pm
How much? Free

For further information, please visit

Also at BEMAC on Saturday 24 October: Amnesty International Art Exhibition 10am – 8pm

Friday, October 23, 2009

Industry experience for students

Are your students looking for marketing experience with major companies?

For over 15 years, Student Marketing Australia has run specialised marketing campaigns for major brands at Australian universities during official O-Week programs.

We provide an exceptional opportunity to over 250 university students every year, allowing them to work in teams running creative, challenging and professional marketing campaigns at their campus. There is no direct selling.

The campaigns allow students to work directly with major marketing departments and gain real-world experience. In 2009, our staff worked with iconic brands such as Apple, the Commonwealth Bank, Adobe, The Privacy Commissioner and Sydney Morning Herald.

A full day of paid training is provided, covering topics like:
- project management
- marketing planning
- communication skills

Employees then go on to develop and execute their own marketing campaign, while being paid above award at $18.50 per hour. All staff receive a written reference at the conclusion of the campaign.

How can you help your students get this experience?
- Make a lecture announcement
- Send an email out to your students
- Post a message on your online portal
- Click here to download a poster to assist with your communication (500K file)

Applications for 2010 O-Week are now open. University of Queensland students should apply online at

Should you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or phone.

Clare Crook
Recruitment Manager
Phone: 02 9332 4111

The 3rd Annual
Close the Gap in Indigenous Health Award

Premiers Hall - Parliament House
Parliamentary Annex Alice St Brisbane

Monday 26th October

5.30pm for 6pm – 7pm

President, Kitty Carra, and the ANTaR Qld Committee hope you can join with them to celebrate with this year’s Close the Gap award recipient, the Goori House Addiction Treatment Centre, at Parliament House on Monday evening the 26th of October between 6 -7 pm.

This is a rare opportunity to meet the people who work in creative and inspiring ways to deliver health services to the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. The successful counseling and treatment program of Goori House has been a life changing experience for the men who have been through its doors. Please join us in celebrating this wonderful service.

Welcome to Country: Uncle Des Sandy
2009 Award Recipients: Goori House Addiction Treatment Centre
Close the Gap Speaker: Dr Mark Wenitong

Light refreshments will be served

Our thanks to The Honourable Anna Bligh MP, Premier of Queensland for kindly supporting this event

RSVP by Wednesday 21th October 2009
ANTaR Qld Office 07 3844 1645

DIY news website and more...

DIY news website
Journalism 2.0 author Mark Briggs has created “Newspaper in a box”, a step-by-step guide to creating an independent news website from scratch. Presented by J-Learning, an online guide for creating hyper-local community media and a project of J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism, the site emphasises accessibility and open-source technology. Check it out here

Monsoon looms for Indian media
Falling advertising revenue, ethically suspect advertorial initiatives and rapidly changing reader tastes have combined to rock the Indian newspaper industry. The new issue of The Walkley Magazine examines the Indian media scene plus much more. Visit

Helping hands across the region
The Alliance Safety and Solidarity Appeal is supporting three disaster relief efforts for media workers and their families in Indonesia, the Philippines and Samoa, which have suffered recent natural disasters. The support includes a program to set up a system for media personnel in Samoa to address issues arising from reporting on wide-scale disaster. The program will be conducted by the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma at the request of the IFJ and the Samoa journalists’ association.

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Seeking Justice – Social Activism through Journalism and Documentary Practice

Online Symposium - 15 October 2009 - Sessions at 00:00GMT*, 08:00GMT & 16:00GMT

Register now at to be a part of this landmark event where the world of journalism will be connected for one day over three sessions and across all time zones. Throughout the day you will be able to log on and be inspired by some of the world’s best journalists.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear Paul Fusco, Ed Kashi, Jodi Bieber, Marcus Bleasdale, Shahidul Alam, Gary Knight, Adam Ferguson, Michael Coyne, Masaru Goto, Jack Picone, Megan Lewis, Robin Hammond, Gerhard Joren and Shehab Uddin share their stories and experiences, answer your questions and discuss social activism through journalism and documentary pratice.

Register now! To log into the Symposium simply visit the website ( during one of the sessions and you find a link to join in.

Session 1 starts at 00:01 GMT (October 14 for time zones behind GMT) with:
Paul Fusco & Megan Lewis
Chaired by David Lloyd

Jack Picone, Masaru Goto & Gerhard Joren
Chaired by Dr Michael Coyne

Session 2 begins at 08:01 GMT with:
Jodi Bieber, Shehab Uddin & Robin Hammond
Chaired by Dr Shahidul Alam

David Lloyd & Angela Blakely, Kelly Hussey-Smith, Travis Beard & John Rodsted
Chaired by Earle Bridger

Session 3 begins at 16:01 GMT with:
Ed Kashi, Gary Knight, Marcus Bleasdale & Adam Ferguson
Chaired by Prof Terry Eiler

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Kind Regards,

The CDP Team

Centre for Documentary Pratice
PO Box 3370
South Brisbane, QLD 4101

Monday, October 12, 2009

JACS Special General Meeting

University of Queensland Journalism and Communication Students (JACS) will be holding a Special General Meeting on Wednesday, October 21, from 4pm. The meeting will be held in the School of Journalism and Communication’s Ideas Centre.

JACS Special General Meeting
Wednesday, October 21
SJC Ideas Centre

The purpose of the meeting will be to report on the activities of the JACS over 2009 and to elect a new executive for 2010. A list of the positions up for election can be found below. Nominations for elections must be received by close of business (5pm) on Tuesday, October 20.
Nomination forms will be available from the SJC Reception from Tuesday, October 13. Please note that if you want to join JACS in order to nominate and vote at the SGM, you must join prior to Tuesday, October 20.

Voting will take place on Wednesday, October 21 as soon as the SGM begins. Voting will continue until the close of business on Thursday, October 22, at the SJC Reception.
List of positions open for nominations:
Marketing Officer
Events Officers (maximum of two)
Careers Officer
Education Officer
First and Second Year Representative
Postgraduate Liaison Officer
Publication Officers (maximum of two)
Information Technology Officer

If you have any queries about the elections including the nomination process and position descriptions, please contact Naomi Lim (

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Model UN Opportunities: SydMUN and HKMUN

SydMUN 2009

The Sydney University Model United Nations (SydMUN) is held each year in December at the University of Sydney. Founded in 2006, it was the first intervarsity Model UN conference in Australia hosted annually by a single university. Originally focused on delegates from the Sydney metropolitan region, SydMUN has since expanded to embrace participants from across Australia, while keeping a core of NSW delegates. SydMUN is open to all university students.

In the spirit of previous delegations, UQ will once again journey south to Sydney, for the Sydney Model United Nations Conference from the 4th to the 6th of December. This is set to be great opportunity to introduce yourself to the world of MUN, catch up with friends from AMUNC/BrizMUN or just participate in yet another fun filled event.

A few things you'll need to do:


Committees include:
1. Ist General Assembly: Misconduct by personnel in UN peacekeeping missions
2. 2nd General Assembly: Assessing the commitments on globalisation, the role of trade, and the mobilisation of financial resources under the Brussels Program of Action for Least Developed Countries
3. UN Environment Programme: The question of the environmental impact of armed conflict
4. Human Rights Council: Universal Periodic Review of the People's Republic of China

Whatever tickles your fancy, hop online to

View the country matrix (yellow = countries with active role in debate, green = countries with supporting role), download the Registration guide and register.

With nearly half of the available spots already filled, it's first in first served. So hurry and register so you don't miss out!

Early registration closes on Sunday 18 October (get $10 off) and final registration closes on Friday 6 November.


If you're interested in joining the UQ Delegation please email with your name, email address and phone number. We will be in touch regarding plans for accommodation.


Dear friends,

Hong Kong Model United Nations Club (HKMUNC) sincerely invites your university to join the Hong Kong Model United Nations Conference 2010 (HKMUNC 2010) to be held in January 2010 in Hong Kong. We sincerely hope that your institution can forward the attached information to your students and we look forward to receiving the delegates from your country.

About HKMUN Club:
HKMUNC is a registered non-profit-making organization. Established in 2005, HKMUNC aims at promoting MUN culture in the region, promoting world peace through understanding and cooperation between cultures and arousing youth attention on global issues. With the above objectives, HKMUNC has successfully drawn great attention in the society. We have organized more than 5 successful conferences for university students and secondary students in the past. This makes us one of the most dedicated and successful MUN clubs in the region.

About HKMUN Conference:
This year we are pleased to continue our success streak by organizing yet another grand MUN conference for university students from all around the world. As most of you might probably know, MUN conferences have been held for the past 50 years. Under this simulated UN environment, the MUN delegates act as their country’s ambassador to the UN, and discuss world issues like human rights, terrorism and sustainable development. This is an invaluable opportunity for them to develop their leadership skills, cross cultural communication and public speaking skills.

Why is HKMUN so special?
We stand out from the run of the mill MUN conferences being organized in every city and country. The following features make our conferences unique and offer unparalleled learning opportunities to our delegates:

HK is the gateway to one of the world’s largest and upcoming economies – China. By participating in the HKMUN, you can develop deep insights into the position of China and better understand its culture.

HK is the literally the center of Asia and you can visit almost every other Asian city from HK within a few hours. So you can make use of this opportunity to explore other countries and cultures as well.

Our conference delegates come from virtually every corner of the world. In the past years more than 50% of our delegates came from outside HK. This reflects the true international.

Our conference themes are very practical and relevant to the current world issues. Our conferences mainly revolve around critical issues such as International Cooperation of the Peaceful Use of Outer Space, Transnational Organized Crime etc.

We believe in total learning and to this end we go an extra mile to organize social and networking events for our delegates to let them interact and extend their professional network.

So what are you waiting for? If you miss studying abroad or want to know more about China and develop your leadership and cross cultural communication skills or want to simply meet people from different parts of the world, then pack your bags for a wonderful week in HK.

Special Note to First Timers:
Prior experience is absolutely not necessary for participating in the conference! We believe that MUN is an excellent learning opportunity and so even if you are new to the MUN culture, you can have a great time and hone some critical skills.

Details of the Conference:
Date: 7-10 January, 2009 (4 days)
Location: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Application Deadline: 31 October 2009

Please refer to our website for more details and access our online registration system here:

We eagerly look forward to receiving you in HK next year for the conference. It will definitely be an unforgettable week full of exciting experiences and new faces from around the globe and last but not the least loads of fun!!

Any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at (852)-27717621 or email to

Cordially Yours,

Hong Kong Model United Nations Club
Tel: (852)2771-7621
Fax: (852) 2771-7691


UQ CareerHub - FREE Online Employment Service where UQ students and alumni can search for:
  • All types of local, national and international degree-related employment opportunities
  • Upcoming career and employment events/workshops
  • Online career resources and planning

For more information, visit

Connect 4 Effect

VGen State Conference

Forum at UQ - Climate and Emissions Trading

Google: We need newspapers and more...

Murdoch at war
Rupert Murdoch wants to make readers pay for online newspaper journalism but his biographer Michael Wolff says he doesn’t “get” the internet. Read Wolff in Vanity Fair here

Google: We need newspapers
Google isn’t a newspaper killer nor does it want to be, according to the company’s CEO Eric Schmidt "We need these content partners to survive. We need their content. We are not in the content business.” he said in a long interview this week about his company’s relationship with newspapers and the print journalism industry. Read it here

Courtesy of Australia's Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Global festival celebrates local culture

From Thai to Muslim to local Australian culture, students from The University of Queensland (UQ) will exhibit multiple ethnic traditions during this year’s inaugural Global Village on Wednesday October 7 at the St Lucia campus.

Global Connect (GC) and the United Nations Student Association (UNSA) in association with the UQ Union are organising a day of international food, dance, music and film to showcase the diversity in student culture on campus.

The day’s activities, including fair trade craft sales, a cosplay café, Islamic calligraphy, Latin dance performances and a Parade of Nations fashion show, will help students and the wider community gain a better understanding of what the international arena has to offer.

Various traditional foods will also be served, allowing participants a tantalising taste of other cultures.

The event will also bring in a local context by getting participants to explain what Australia means to them.

As over 6,000 international students are currently enrolled at UQ, Global Village organiser Cheryn Tan said the event “is an opportunity for international student societies not only to partake in their heritage, but also show off their cultures to the wider community at UQ.”


What: A Global Village featuring over 12 university student organisations
When: Wednesday, October 7, 2009; 10:00am to 5:00pm
Where: UQ, St Lucia Campus; Campbell Place, UQ Union area and Schonell Theatre 2

Google school and more...

Google school
Google and the Walkley Foundation this week hosted an exclusive masterclass for journalists at the Google Australia headquarters in Sydney. For those of you who couldn’t make it Google has set up a website with everything you missed. Visit for a comprehensive tutorial on some of the latest tools and tricks out there for newsgathering.

The Moguls’ new clothes
It’s not all disruptive technology, some of the trouble media companies find themselves in is down to stupid management decisions, write Bruce C. Greenwald, Jonathan A. Knee and Ava Seave in the Atlantic Monthly. See To keep up with the latest issues, see the debate at

Disability journalism award
The inaugural Yooralla Media Awards, celebrating excellence in journalism on disability issues, is currently looking for entries. Awards cover print, radio, television and online media. If you’ve run a story on disability issues this year, visit the awards website at for details on how to submit your work. Entries close October 30.

Courtesy of Australia's Entertainment, Media and Arts Alliance.