Thursday, December 17, 2009

Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation QLD seeks a part-time office manager for 2010

Job vacancy: Office Manager, ANTaR Qld
Commencing: Feb 2010

ANTaR Qld is a people’s movement, committed to the rights of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders to determine their own future. Education and advocacy are central to our work. We organise events, forums, lobbying, petitions and specific campaigns such as the Stolen Wages and the Close the Gap Indigenous Health Campaigns. We seek a part time Office Manager to manage the smooth day-to-day running of our office and provide administrative support for our Management Committee and campaign staff. This includes maintenance of our database and email lists. There are a small number of administrative and campaign volunteers whom the Office Manager will coordinate and support.

This position will suit you if you have good interpersonal skills and excellent office skills. You need to be self-directed and have organisational skills, be able to use your initiative, problem solve and have a commitment to social justice. You also need high levels of integrity and confidentiality and an ability to work in a small team environment.

Salary: SACS Level 4.

Part-time: Two five hour days per week with some additional hours offered for busy times.
Contract end: 17th December 2010

Contact ANTaR Qld for the job description and selection criteria.

Applications addressing selection criteria and the names of two referees must be received by 5pm, Wednesday 13th January 2010.

Short listed applicants will be contacted within one week for interviews.


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